Generally, a domain name may have any number of Child Name Servers associated with it.
You will encounter the below error message in case an invalid or reserved IP Address is used:
Object does not exist
An IPv6 Address may be entered in either of the following formats:
IPv6 Addresses are not supported for some TLDs:
Generally, each Child Name Server may have upto 13 unique IP Addresses associated with it.
In case of .CA domain names, each Child Name Server can have only a single IP Address associated with it.
Multiple Child Name Servers can be associated with the same IP Address. However, such Child Name Servers cannot be used together as Name Servers for a .CA domain name.
You can create Child Name Servers as ns1.yourdomain.ca and ns2.yourdomain.ca and associate them with the same IP Address. However, you cannot use ns1.yourdomain.ca and ns2.yourdomain.ca together as Name Servers for yourdomain.ca.
You can create Child Name Servers as ns1.yourdomain.ca and ns2.yourdomain.ca and associate them with the same IP Address. However, you cannot use ns1.yourdomain.ca and ns2.yourdomain.ca together as Name Servers for yourotherdomain.ca.
In case of a .CN domain name (Anchor: cnrules), an IP Address can be associated with only one Child Name Server. However, each Child Name Server can have multiple such IP Addresses associated with it.
If a particular IP Address is already associated with any other .CN domain name's Child Name Server registered through any Registrar, then it can not be used with any other Child Name Server under any other .CN domain name.
You may Register a Child Name Server with the Host Name ns1 for yourdomainname.com.cn and associate with it. This Child Name Server would be created only if the IP Address is not already associated with any other .CN domain name's Child Name Server registered through any Registrar.
In this manner, you may add unlimited Child Name Servers under this domain name but none of these can now be registered with (since it is already used).
You may again Register a Child Name Server with the same Host Name ns1 for yourdomainname.com.cn and associate another IP Address with it. This Child Name Server would be created only if the IP Address is not already associated with any other .CN domain name's Child Name Server registered through any Registrar.
For .COM.DE (Anchor: comderules) domain names, each Child Name Server may only have a single IPv4 and/or a single IPv6 IP Address associated with it.
Each .DE domain name (Anchor: derules) needs to have at least 2 Name Servers and can have upto 13 Name Servers. The limitation of supporting a maximum of 13 Name Servers is common for both Child Name Servers and Name Servers.
If you add 4 Name Servers for your .DE domain name, then you may now add only upto 9 Child Name Servers or Name Servers.
If you add 2 Name Servers and 2 Child Name Servers for your .DE domain name, then you may now add only upto 9 Child Name Servers or Name Servers.
To add a Child Name Server for your .DE domain name, you need to follow the below mentioned process:
In the Zone of your .DE domain name, add an Address (A) Record for the first Child Name Server that you plan to submit for your .DE domain name.
ns1.myname.de 38400 IN A 111.222.333.444
In the Zone of your .DE domain name, add a NS Record for the above Child Name Server.
Example: In the Zone of myname.de, add a NS Record for ns1.myname.de.
myname.de 38400 IN NS ns1.myname.de
Create a Zone for your .DE domain name on the above Child Name Server. Add the Child Name Server as a Name Server (NS) Record in this Zone as well as Zone created for your .DE domain name on the existing Name Servers. This is required because every Child Name Server that you create/add under a .DE domain name is automatically associated with that .DE domain name as a Name Server.
myname.de 38400 IN NS ns1.myname.de
Once the above A and NS Records start resolving, add this Child Name Server to your .DE domain name.
Repeat the above steps for any number of Child Name Servers that you wish to add.
You must add one Child Name Server at a time. Otherwise, an error will be encountered.
Example: In order to create a Child Name Server ns1.myname.de, you need to:
add an A Record for ns1.myname.de,
add a NS Record for ns1.myname.de,
create a Zone for myname.de on ns1.myname.de and add ns1.myname.de as a NS Record in this Zone as well as the Zone created for myname.de on the existing Name Servers for myname.de, and
add the Child Name Server ns1.myname.de at the .DE Registry.
Once the Child Name Server ns1.myname.de is thus created, you need to repeat the above 4 steps for ns2.myname.de and so on.
In case of .DE domain names, all Child Name Servers that you create/add are automatically associated with that .DE domain name as a Name Server. Due to this limitation, you will only be able to add upto 13 Child Name Servers for .DE domain names.
The maximum number of Name Servers that can be associated with any .DE domain name is 13. If you have already added other Name Servers (not Child Name Servers of this .DE domain name), then the number of Child Name Servers that you may create would reduce by that many.
Child Name Servers created: ns1.yourdomainname.de and ns2.yourdomainname.de
These Child Name Servers get automatically added as Name Servers as well for this domain name: ns1.yourdomainname.de and ns2.yourdomainname.de
Name Servers used: ns1.hostingprovider.com, ns2.hostingprovider.com
Child Name Servers created: ns1.yourotherdomainname.de, ns2.yourotherdomainname.de
These Child Name Servers get automatically added as Name Servers for this domain name: ns1.yourotherdomainname.de, ns2.yourotherdomainname.de
So in all 4 Name Servers will be associated with yourotherdomainname.de: ns1.hostingprovider.com, ns2.hostingprovider.com, ns1.yourotherdomainname.de, ns2.yourotherdomainname.de
This means that now for the domain name yourotherdomainname.de, you may only add upto 5 other Child Name Servers or Name Servers since every time you create a Child Name Server, it gets automatically associated with the .DE domain name as a Name Server.
The IPv4 Address associated with each Child Name Server of a .DE domain name needs to be unique.
.DE domain names do not support IPv6 Addresses.
In case of .ES domain names (Anchor: esrules), you may associate only a single IPv4 Address per Child Name Server.
In case of .EU domain names (Anchor: eurules), all Child Name Servers that you create/add, are automatically associated with that .EU domain name as a Name Server. Due to this limitation, you will only be able to add upto 9 Child Name Servers for .EU domain names.
The maximum number of Name Servers that can be associated with any .EU domain name is 9. If you have already added other Name Servers (not Child Name Servers of this .EU domain name), then the number of Child Name Servers that you may create would reduce by that many.
Child Name Servers created: ns1.yourdomainname.eu and ns2.yourdomainname.eu
These Child Name Servers get automatically added as Name Servers as well for this domain name: ns1.yourdomainname.eu and ns2.yourdomainname.eu
Name Servers used: ns1.hostingprovider.com, ns2.hostingprovider.com
Child Name Servers created: ns1.yourotherdomainname.eu, ns2.yourotherdomainname.eu
These Child Name Servers get automatically added as Name Servers for this domain name: ns1.yourotherdomainname.eu, ns2.yourotherdomainname.eu
So in all 4 Name Servers will be associated with yourotherdomainname.eu: ns1.hostingprovider.com, ns2.hostingprovider.com, ns1.yourotherdomainname.eu, ns2.yourotherdomainname.eu
This means that now for the domain name yourotherdomainname.eu, you may only add upto 5 other Child Name Servers or Name Servers since every time you create a Child Name Server, it gets automatically associated with the .EU domain name as a Name Server.
Apart from the above, in case of .EU domain names, each Child Name Server may have upto 9 unique IP Addresses associated with it.
You can Register a Child Name Server with the Host Name ns1 for yourdomainname.eu and associate upto 9 unique IP Addresses with this Host Name.
For .IN.NET (Anchor: innetrules) domain names, each Child Name Server may only have a single unique IP Address associated with it.
In case of .NL domain names (Anchor: nlrules), you may associate upto 10 IP Addresses per Child Name Server.
The same IP Addess cannot be associated with multiple Child Name Servers.
The total number of Name Servers and Child Name Servers taken together should not exceed 10 in case of .NZ domain names (Anchor: nzrules).
Consider a domain name yourdomain.co.nz with Name Servers as ns1.yourdomain.com and ns2.yourdomain.com. The total number of additional Name Servers that can be added under yourdomain.co.nz alongwith any Child Name Servers that can be created under yourdomain.co.nz will be 8.
On a similar note, a domain name yourdomain.co.nz is using its own Child Name Servers ns1.yourdomain.co.nz and ns2.yourdomain.co.nz as its Name Servers as well. Here, the total number of additional Name Servers that can be added under yourdomain.co.nz, taken together with any new Child Name Servers created under yourdomain.co.nz will be 6.
Moreover, each Child Name Server under a .NZ domain name can have only 1 IPv4 Address associated with it.
You may Register a Child Name Server with the Host Name ns1 for yourdomainname.co.nz and associate only a single IP Address of the form with it.
In case of .RU domain names (Anchor: rurules), all Child Name Servers that you create/add, are automatically associated with that .RU domain name as a Name Server. Due to this limitation, you will only be able to add upto 13 Child Name Servers for .RU domain names.
The maximum number of Name Servers that can be associated with any .RU domain name is 13. If you have already added other Name Servers (not Child Name Servers of this .RU domain name), then the number of Child Name Servers that you may create would reduce by that many.
Child Name Servers created: ns1.yourdomainname.ru and ns2.yourdomainname.ru
These Child Name Servers get automatically added as Name Servers as well for this domain name: ns1.yourdomainname.ru and ns2.yourdomainname.ru
Name Servers used: ns1.hostingprovider.com, ns2.hostingprovider.com
Child Name Servers created: ns1.yourotherdomainname.ru, ns2.yourotherdomainname.ru
These Child Name Servers get automatically added as Name Servers for this domain name: ns1.yourotherdomainname.ru, ns2.yourotherdomainname.ru
So in all 4 Name Servers will be associated with yourotherdomainname.ru: ns1.hostingprovider.com, ns2.hostingprovider.com, ns1.yourotherdomainname.ru, ns2.yourotherdomainname.ru
This means that now for the domain name yourotherdomainname.ru, you may only add upto 5 other Child Name Servers or Name Servers since every time you create a Child Name Server, it gets automatically associated with the .RU domain name as a Name Server.
In case of .SX domain names (Anchor: eurules), all Child Name Servers that you create/add, are automatically associated with that .SX domain name as a Name Server. Due to this limitation, you will only be able to add upto 10 Child Name Servers for .SX domain names.
The maximum number of Name Servers that can be associated with any .SX domain name is 10. If you have already added other Name Servers (not Child Name Servers of this .SX domain name), then the number of Child Name Servers that you may create would reduce by that many.
Child Name Servers created: ns1.yourdomainname.sx and ns2.yourdomainname.sx
These Child Name Servers get automatically added as Name Servers as well for this domain name: ns1.yourdomainname.sx and ns2.yourdomainname.sx
Name Servers used: ns1.hostingprovider.com, ns2.hostingprovider.com
Child Name Servers created: ns1.yourotherdomainname.sx, ns2.yourotherdomainname.sx
These Child Name Servers get automatically added as Name Servers for this domain name: ns1.yourotherdomainname.sx, ns2.yourotherdomainname.sx
So in all 4 Name Servers will be associated with yourotherdomainname.sx: ns1.hostingprovider.com, ns2.hostingprovider.com, ns1.yourotherdomainname.sx, ns2.yourotherdomainname.sx
This means that now for the domain name yourotherdomainname.sx, you may only add upto 6 other Child Name Servers or Name Servers since every time you create a Child Name Server, it gets automatically associated with the .SX domain name as a Name Server.
Apart from the above, in case of .SX domain names, each Child Name Server may have upto 10 IP Addresses associated with it.
You can Register a Child Name Server with the Host Name ns1 for yourdomainname.sx and associate upto 10 IP Addresses with this Host Name.
Child Name Servers can not be created under a .TEL domain name (Anchor: telrules), due to restrictions placed by the Registry.
In case of .UK domain names (Anchor: ukrules), each Child Name Server can have only a single unique IP Address associated with it.
You can Register a Child Name Server with the Host Name ns1 for yourdomainname.co.uk and associate only a single unique IP Address with this Host Name.
For CentralNic (Anchor: crules) domains, each Child Name Server may only have a single IPv4 and/or a single IPv6 IP Address associated with it.