For better placement of your SuperSite 2 and PartnerSite in search engines, you can specify relevant keywords and website description in the Head section of your sites, within Meta Tags.
To Customize the Meta Tags of your SuperSite 2 / PartnerSite
Login to your SuperSite 2 / PartnerSite Admin Area. 1
Under the My Languages section for SuperSite 2 or My Language PartnerSites section for PartnerSite, click the Manage Site button besides the Language SuperSite 2 / PartnerSite, where you wish to make these changes.
Under the Edit/Translate Website Content section, click the Edit Content button.
Click the Browse link next to the Misc folder.
Here you may modify either of the following:
Meta Description (Anchor: mdesc)
Click the Edit link besides the Meta_description.txt file.
In the Your Content textbox, mention text/sentence(s), within or without quotes ("") that you require as the Meta Description after each equals (=) sign.
The text appearing before the equals (=) sign under both the Original Content textbox and the Your Content textbox, represents each SuperSite 2 / PartnerSite html file name.
It is recommended that while making modifications to the menu data, you click the Lock Scroll checkbox. This scrolls both the Original Content as well as the Your Content textboxes simultaneously, such that you can easily review the original SuperSite 2 / PartnerSite content while you are modifying it.
If you wish to reduce the number of times you have to scroll through the textboxes, you may click the Increase Size link.
If in the Your Content textbox in your SuperSite 2 Admin Area, you mention index="Domain Name Registration Specialists", then in the source of your SuperSite 2 homepage, you will notice the following within:
Click the Save Changes button to apply the changes you have made.
Meta Keywords (Anchor: mkey)
Click the Edit link besides the Meta_keywords.txt file.
In the Your Content textbox, mention one or more words separated by a comma, within or without quotes ("") that you require as the Meta Keywords after each equals (=) sign.
The text appearing before the equals (=) sign under both the Original Content textbox and the Your Content textbox, represents each SuperSite 2 / PartnerSite html file name.
It is recommended that while making modifications to the menu data, you click the Lock Scroll checkbox. This scrolls both the Original Content as well as the Your Content textboxes simultaneously, such that you can easily review the original SuperSite 2 / PartnerSite content while you are modifying it.
If you wish to reduce the number of times you have to scroll through the textboxes, you may click the Increase Size link.
If in the Your Content textbox in your SuperSite 2 Admin Area, you mention index="domains,register,bulk,transfer", then in the source of your SuperSite 2 homepage, you will notice the following within:
Click the Save Changes button to apply the changes you have made.
You will have to repeat the above process, if you have configured multiple languages for your SuperSite 2 / PartnerSite.
If you are not satisfied with the modifications and wish to revert to the earlier setting, from the Edit view click Reset to Default.