The Express Cart is a power tool that is specially designed to help Resellers place Orders on behalf of their Customers. It encapsulates the purchase process in 3 simple steps and allows for easier and faster Order processing.

The Express Cart can be reached by clicking on the Buy button in the Reseller Control Panel on the top right. Alternatively, all Buy links within the Products menu default to the Express Cart for Resellers.

You can switch to SuperSite2 through the Go to Supersite >> link in the Express Cart tool.

You can place Orders within seconds through the Express Cart by simply:

  1. Selecting a Product

  2. Specifying the Customer information

  3. Selecting an Invoice option for this Customer

Selecting a Product

All the Products that you currently offer will be available within the drop down.


Currently, the following Products are not supported in the Express Cart:

  • Dedicated Servers

  • SiteLock

With the Express Cart, you can place a single Order at a time.

Domain Registration

The tool offers the essentials in terms of Domain Registration, where you can search for your desired keywords and extensions. You can choose to add Privacy Protection to the Order, as well.


You must go to your SuperSite/custom Storefront if you want to:

  • see suggestions for your domain name

  • register Internationalized Domain Names (IDNs)

  • register domains under TLDs that require special nexus information

  • register premium names

  • register / transfer domain names in bulk

The default Name servers and Contact details are automatically used for domain registration.


Make sure to Reload Your Cost Prices every time your Parent changes them. This way, you will be able to see your updated Cost Prices in the Express Cart.

Applying Discounts

For every Order, you can apply desired discounts in the cart itself. You can either enter an amount or a percentage.

  • If a discount is applied to the Order, a Credit Note for the corresponding amount is added to the Customer's account.

  • If a Product is already on promotion, the Reseller can still apply an additional discount. In this case, a similar Credit Note will be created.

Adding Funds

In case you are short on funds, you can click on the Add Funds link to replenish your balance. Once done, make sure to hit the Refresh Balance link so that your new balance gets updated on the Express Cart.

Specifying the Customer Information

Here, you can simply enter the email address of the Customer you are purchasing this Product for. If it is a new Customer, click on the Create Account button and add the necessary details to create a new Customer account.

Selecting an Invoice Option

You can either choose to cancel the Invoice or leave it pending for your Customer, by selecting one of these options:

  • Cancel Invoice - This will reverse the Invoice after creating it, by automatically adding a sales reversal Credit Note for the same amount. You can use this option when you’re using the system for billing, but collecting funds offline. This way, you can always keep track of your sales transactions and discounts, without having your Customer pay for the Invoice in the system.

  • Keep Invoice pending - This will create the Invoice and keep it pending till your Customer doesn’t pay for it in the system. You can use this option when you’re collecting funds online and require to suspend the Order, in case your payment doesn’t come through.

Once you place the Order, your total cost will automatically be deducted from your Account Balance and the Order will be activated for your Customer. System notifications will be sent to you and your Customer, as per your Email preferences.