
Returns domain name suggestions for a user-specified keyword.


Name Data Type Required / Optional Description
auth-userid Integer Required Authentication Parameter
api-key String Required Authentication Parameter
keyword String Required

Search term (keyword or phrase) e.g. "search" or "search world"

  • Allowed characters are a-z, A-Z, 0-9, space and hyphen.

  • The search term will be considered as invalid, if it contains more than one consecutive space character.

tld-only String Optional Specific TLD(s) you may want to search for 1

Name Suggestion is not supported for ccTLDs except:

  • .US
  • .CO (2nd and 3rd level)

exact-match Boolean Optional Will return keyword alternatives when set to True. Can be set to False to only return TLD alternatives.
adult Boolean Optional If set to false, the suggestions will not contain any adult or explicit suggestions which contain words like"nude","porn",etc.

HTTP Method


Example Test URL Request


Returns a hash map containing availability status of suggested domain names for the keyword supplied.

Example Scenarios

  • When tld-only is not specified, and exact-match is false: Results will include keyword matches and alternatives against all TLDs the reseller is signed up for.

  • When tld-only is specified, and exact-match is false: Results will include keyword matches and alternatives against only the TLDs specified.

  • When tld-only is not specified, and exact-match is true: Results will include keyword matches against all TLDs that the reseller is signed up for. No keyword alternatives will be returned.

  • When tld-only is specified, and exact-match is true: Results will include keyword matches against only the TLDs specified. No keyword alternatives will be returned.

Old API call being deprecated


Name Data Type Required / Optional Description
auth-userid Integer Required Authentication Parameter
api-key or auth-password String Required Authentication Parameter
keyword String Required

Search term (keyword or phrase) e.g. "search" or "search world"


The search term will be considered as invalid, if it contains more than one consecutive space character.

tlds Array of Strings Required Domain name extensions (TLDs) you want to search in 2
no-of-results Integer Required Maximum number of suggestions to be returned
hyphen-allowed Boolean Optional Default value is false. Recommended value is true. If true is passed, generates suggestions with hyphens (Dashes) "-".
add-related Boolean Optional Default value is false. Recommended value is true. If true is passed, generates suggestions with related keywords.

HTTP Method


Example Test URL Request


Returns a hash map containing availability status of suggested domain names, for the given keyword under the specified domain name extension(s). The domain name extensions will be listed in alphabetical order.